[Getdp] PostProcessing Integral

Patrick Dular Patrick.Dular at ulg.ac.be
Thu Jul 26 15:24:11 CEST 2001


trophime christophe wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to compute an integral in the postprocessing of my
> electrical conduction formulation. So I defined in the formulation:
> { Name I ; Value { Integral { [ - sigma[{T}]*CompY[({d ur})] ] ; In
> Domain_Elec ; Integration I1 ; Jacobian Vol ;} }}
> where { Name ur ; Type Local  ; NameOfSpace Hregion_u_3D ; }
> defines the electrical potential
> and then on the surfaces where I applied a Dirichlet Boundary condition
> for ur
> I set in the problem definition
> Print[ I, OnRegion #{V0, V1},File "test_coupled_I.pos" , Format Table ];
> But I get 0 for each integrals.
> Did I use the right syntax for computing the total current flowing into
> these surfaces or Did I miss something once again?

You have to use the following syntax for computing such a global quantity:

Print[I[V0], OnGlobal, ...];
Print[I[V1], OnGlobal, ...];


Print[I[#{V0,V1}], OnGlobal, ...];

The regions between brackets are parts of the whole region (Domain_Elec) on which the integral is defined. The integration will be done on these sub-regions.


Patrick Dular, Dr. Ir., Chercheur qualifii F.N.R.S. (Research associate)
Dipartement d'Electriciti Appliquie
Universiti de Lihge - Institut Montefiore - Bbt. B28 - Parking 32
B-4000 Lihge - Belgique - Tel. +32-4-3663710 - Fax +32-4-3662910
E-mail: Patrick.Dular at ulg.ac.be