Ruge-Stueben AMG - PETSc interface

Domenico Lahaye Domenico.Lahaye at
Thu May 11 10:48:40 CEST 2000

Dear PETSc users, 

   If you are unfamiliar with the Ruge-Stueben algebraic multigrid code,
you can disgard this message. 

   I interfaced the Ruge-Stueben algebraic multigrid code (amg1r5) with
PETSc, allowing PETSc linear systems to be passed to amg1r5 as a user
defined preconditioner. Has anyone of you done something similar? I would
like to extend my interface, to be able to manipulate the AMG intergrid
and coarse grid operators as PETSc objects and rewrite the AMG solve part
entirely in PETSc. These wishes are motivated by having a set of equations
that need to be treated on the coarsest grid only. Has anyone of you
already done something similar, or do you have ideas on how going about
extended the interface as described. 

   Thanks already for any useful remarks, 

   Domenico Lahaye 

   PhD Student 
   Departement of Computer Science 
   KU Leuven 
   Celestijnenlaan 200A 
   B-3001 Heverlee 
   domenico.lahaye at