Christophe Geuzaine Christophe.Geuzaine at
Wed Oct 6 17:29:13 CEST 1999

Samuel Kvasnica wrote:
> Hmm I'm confused. This is not clear to me. What operator is (,) ? A scalar product ?

Yes, relative to the L2 norm

> volume and surface integrals ? 


> What stands n for, a normal vector ?


> ok, I've got version 0.7. Seems to work corectly. Now the next question:
> If OnCut computes intersections (or interpolates results between mesh points ?),
> does OnGrid just report values on nearest mesh point ? And what's difference
> then between OnCut and OnPlane ?

OnGrid interpolates on the specified points, while OnCut generates the
intersections and interpolates at these intersections.

> I tried both gmsh and gnuplot formats, last one is most suitable for me.
> But I don't understand what does the first field 'type' mean. Then, why the
> comments like # type x[1] y[1] z[1] value[1] must be generated for each line

Try gnuplot2. But I agree that all those things should be redefined... 

> I was looking for other mesh generators, geometry editors and visualization tools, since gmsh is
> useful
> for simple 2D geometries but behaves _very_ 'alpha' and slowly. Especially rendered graphics is not

Well, this is a bit strange. I work daily with gmsh (OK, not under linux
but under DEC), and daily manipulate (without any major difficulty) data
sets of 200000 to 500000 elements. Is the drawing so slow on your linux
box ? 

> This one is commercial, but costs only ~170Euro. Demoversion (ready to download) is free and supports
> 700 2D elements and up to 3000 3D.
> This one seems to be free, but not available directly.I'll have to send an email to author to get a
> copy. It has been developed for flow simulations but that is not important is think.

Thanks for the info.

> Btw, would it be possible to use getDP also for fluidics and fluidics-thermal simulations ?

Well, it depends on the methods you want/have to use to solve these
problems. For example, nothing about upwinding is implemented for the
moment in GetDP.

Christophe Geuzaine

Tel: +32-(0)4-366.37.10    mailto:Christophe.Geuzaine at
Fax: +32-(0)4-366.29.10