help with GetDP needed

Samuel Kvasnica kvasnica at
Mon Dec 6 13:48:19 CET 1999

Christophe Geuzaine wrote:

> Oups, yes, there is an another small error in the PostProcessing field:
> you should give each postprocessing quantity the type of jacobian to use
> in the interpolation.

O.k., now it works ! My simulation results improved much after this last jacobian fix.
electron trajectories in the field of first and last segment. I just don't understand why do I
to put  Jacobian Vol and not something like Jacobian VolAxi into PostProcessing. Another small
problem: if I want to generate .pos files to view the results in gmsh, I'm getting am error:

Bad parameters for JacobianVolSphShell: Rint=0.35, Rext=0.45, R=0.45

and many 'Unknown variable: nan' parser errors after trying to open generated file with gmsh.
Any idea ?

Well, another question: is it possible to add few more (or at least one more) base function(s)
function space ? I'd like to refine the result a little bit more - my last simulation shows
that I'll need
a grid with resolution of ~0.05mm. This makes me unhappy because simulation times will grow to
~ 1 week, but there's no other possibility...

Anyway, thank you for your help very much,
